We help you to reduce your home insurance costs up to 50%, by making sure that you have “Roof to Wall Attachments” that support your roof during the high winds of a hurricanes. When that attachment is amended, we notify your insurer, provide them with a Wind Mitigation Report, and they in turn reduce your insurance rate.
- Work with your Insurance Agent to make your home eligible for significant credits/discounts.
- Typical savings is 25% – 50% off of your Total Premium or an annual savings of between $900 – $1200 and protects the structural integrity of your home.
- ONE TIME FEE as low as $1250.00 including the Wind Mitigation Report. The savings are forever.
- We offer a cost effective process that significantly lowers insurance premiums and help avoid catastrophic damages.
Why Choose Third Nail Of The Palm Beaches:
- Our customer service is 2nd to none.
- When you call 844-946-3648 you will be speaking to the owner directly.
- Our objective is to save you money.
- “Well over 50% of our customers will save more money on their policy in the 1st year to offset the initial onetime cost of Third Nail Mitigation.”